Eggthemes Book shop is really a well-working aggregation of combinations.
To be designed specifically for online booksellers, Eggthemes Book shop concentrates on developing a space which book-enthusiasts want to visit regularly. To ensure that, generally, an ideal match of simplification and classic create a gentle look and warm sense of web site. An excellent mixture of colors inside a simple, neat , neat and organized layout certainly helps you to comfort customer's concentration.
To be able to result in the theme simple for user to manage, Eggthemes Book shop consists of sufficient features to become a fundamental eCommerce solution. Items could be taken care of, designated into groups and put in drop lower menu. Slideshow with slider effect, deals, featured items and some blocks to promote.
You could begin your own internet business in Book, At This Time with Eggthemes Book shop!!!
Prestashop version compatibility | 1.5.3, 1.5.4 |
Key phrases | book shop prestashop theme, book shop prestashop template, stationery prestashop theme, stationery prestashop template |
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